Moving to a new stable yard or getting a new horse

Moving your horse to a new stable yard or getting a new horse is always very exciting, but also a little bit nerve-wracking!
Let’s start with a checklist of items your horse is going to need to move into his new stable home.
We will start with the most important, essential items and end with the nice-to-have items…
Essential items:
- Bucket, feed tray and haynet (check with the stable owner if they provide these)
- Grooming kit - body brush, dandy brush, curry comb, hoof pick, mane comb, sponge and grooming bag
- Fly mask / fringe / fly repellent
- Halter
- Bridle
- Saddle
- Boots
- Passport
- Treats/carrots to welcome your horse
- A smile and a polite, friendly attitude
- Trucking set - daysheet, trucking boots, halter, poll guard and a tail guard
- Supplements
- Shampoo
- Rain sheet
- Winter blankets
- Sweat sheet
- Leather oil, saddle soap
- Lunging kit - lunge roller, lunging pad, lunge caveson, lunge lead, side reins and lunge whip
- Paddock boots
- Basic veterinary kit - cotton wool, bandages, wound ointment, scissors, ice gel
- Show kit - mane & tail conditioner, coat shine, microfibre mitt, sponge, white boots
- Spare blank name tags and stick on blank name tags (if your stable uses this system)
Now that we have your horse’s tack and care items sorted out, here’s a list of important things to find out before the move
- What food is your horse on? How many kilograms does he get at breakfast, lunch and dinner? Check with the stable yard if they have the same/similar food. It is very important to feed your horse the same/similar food to what he has been getting to avoid colic.
- When was your horse last dewormed? Check with your stable owner if you must buy a dewormer for your horse before he arrives.
- When was your horse last shod?
- When did your horse last have his teeth done?
- Check if your flu vaccine and Horse Sickness vaccines are up to date in your horse’s passport