Keeping your Horse Comfy during Fly Season

The flies are out in full force at the moment with all the rain and warmer weather we are experiencing.
If you see your horse shaking it’s head, swishing it’s tail and stomping it’s feet then it’s time to be a bit more proactive about fly protection.
1 - First and foremost invest in a fly fringe or fly mask
You wouldn’t want flies sitting in your eyes and neither does your horse!
Flies can lay eggs around horse’s eyes and spread harmful bacteria inside, which can cause severe eye infections.
- Fly Fringes move around the eyes, dislodging flies and preventing them landing in the eyes
- Fly Masks offer more protection from flies landing on the eyes and face, and also prevent sun damage and dust getting into the eyes.
Some fly masks have Ear Pockets to prevent flies/ticks biting the inside of the ears, and some have extra Nose Pieces to prevent sun damage to sensitive pink noses.
2 – Next let’s explore the world of fly sprays
Any fly spray is better than none!
Use the sprays to cover the entire body, and the creams for the face. You can also spray onto a sponge and wipe on the face, avoiding the eye area.
It is also more economical to buy a 5L and decant it into a spray bottle.
3 of the most popular fly sprays are:
Visit our Fly Protection page for a complete list of fly repellents
3 – Fly Sheets and Fly Boots
Most of us have experienced the relief of covering up with clothing in the sun, as opposed to having your bare skin exposed. It is the same for your horse.
The 2 main fly sheets are:
- a light non-pattern mesh
- a zebra pattern mesh
The zebra pattern is thought to be more effective as it mimics zebras in the wild and sets up an optical illusion that disrupts the fly’s flight pattern and landing.
Fly Boots are a great addition if:
· Your horse is continually stomping it’s legs (bad for joints)
· The flies are biting it’s legs and drawing blood (attracting more flies to the legs)
Fly boots are made from mesh (cool and breathable) and are adjustable with Velcro tabs. They also protect the legs from sun damage.
A major plus of both these items is they prevent the flies landing on the horse’s skin, and you can spray/treat the fabric without having to spray the horse’s skin.
They will also prevent flies landing on and laying eggs in any sores.
4 – Fans and Fly Ribbons
Fans disrupt the flying power of flies and keep them away from your horse in the stable
Fly ribbons are made of a sticky substance that sticks the flies to them and rids the world of a few more flies. Can be hung up in the stable / home / paddocks
Whatever form of fly protection you choose to use, one thing’s for sure, your horse will be super grateful!