Solo Trail/Endurance Leather Saddle Review - Lindsay Welken

I received the saddle a month ago, and was really excited to get it out and used, and I must say - I was not disappointed!
My initial thoughts when unboxing:
A very nice saddle, good design, easy to adjust velcro panels for the different shape of the horse's back, with a convenient adjustable girth position placement option. The stirrup leathers can also be set in three different positions, with the rider's comfort in mind. The material seemed nice and strong, the seat very soft to the touch, the stirrups covered with the neoprene protectors, ending in broad tread stirrups with cages. The saddle also came with a very comfortable neoprene dressage type girth. Lightweight.
My background - I own Imperial Asil Arabians - an Arabian stud where we use our horses for endurance riding, so I ride and train horses for endurance and also backing/schooling of horses.
First use:
I saddled up a mare that was quite a skittish horse normally, and that would spook at a lot things. This was a good starting point as I could test out how secure I felt if she did spook at anything. I would classify her as a medium-wide sized horse.
When I mounted, the first thing I felt was a sense of soft comfortable leather sucking me into it, even though the seat seems so wide and long. The saddle grabbed me and held me firmly in place, but in a good, comfortable manner.
Unfortunately, the ride wasn't as good for me, as I had injured myself quite badly with a fall a few days prior, so with me being off-balance, and a new saddle for the horse, she went sore in the back. However, we didn't stop there - we tried it out on more horses, with different riders.
Other horses ridden:
I used the saddle on a Friesan mare, who is easily classified as wide. She was recently backed, and this saddle worked well on her.
Thereafter I tried it on a very rounded gelding, who is on a rest from endurance. After adjusting the velcro pads to the widest setting, I placed it on his back and checked the saddle fit - it was very good - complete spinal clearance, free shoulder movement, and it wasn't too long - it was ideal. He worked well in it and didn't have any pressure spot/sensitivity after the ride.
I, and the others that used it, tested it on a few horses in different conditions (we took horses for training rides, easy hacks, swimming), and our thoughts are quite similar - it is a good saddle, secure , comfortable, and works well on the larger/wider horses. Compared to a saddle from a well-known company, I prefer it more than that one. It is a saddle we can recommend.
If you are a happy hacker, trail rider, endurance rider, or just want a comfortable saddle to use while doing a relaxed ride - this saddle will definitely suit you, and you should give it a try!
I am grateful and thankful to Solo Saddlery for the opportunity, and look forward to many more rides in this saddle!
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