Solo Saddlers Featherweight Review - Nadine Räber

Review of the Solo Saddle Trail Featherweight Wide
For me there are always two aspects to a saddle. How it fits the horse(s) and how comfortable it is for the rider.
Looking at the fit of the saddle I am very impressed. I have used the saddle on different horses, some small some tall some round some lean and some with a high wither. No matter the size and shape of the horse, the saddle would fit perfectly. The saddle can be adjusted quickly which is a big plus too. What I really like is the light weight. I often go “off-roading” with my horses up and down steep hills and there you don’t want the horse to carry any unnecessary extra weight. The only point that I am not too happy with is the girth. With such a stunning saddle I would prefer to have a bit a “higher class” girth like the Solo comfort dressage girth.
Now let’s have a look at the second important aspect of a saddle, the feel for the rider. I find it a very comfortable saddle and it also works well if you are a rider like me that works a lot with your legs, which I do especially with my young horses that are still in training. It is also a great saddle when climbing or descend steep hills. The safety stirrups are a big advantage too. The stirrup sleeves are great and makes it even more comfortable, however they become a bit of a problem for shorter people. I do get different people that come riding including children and they are too long for short legs. I guess one could cut them but then I don’t know if it will still work for riders with longer legs. This is just a problem if you have different people using the saddle. And then there is one more minus point in my opinion. The saddle doesn’t have any D-rings. So there is no possibility to attach a saddle bag or fasten a jacket or something to the saddle. I often ride for 3 to 5 hours and there you definitely want to carry along some water and maybe a snack etc.
So in a short sentence, it is a very comfortable light and easy saddle and if one could get it with some D-rings it would be perfect for my trail riding business!
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