Solo PVC Endurance Bridle Review - Corlia Swart

My pink Solo PVC Endurance Bridle just made my Fauresmith 2019 an even better experience. For those that don’t know Fauresmith is the South African Endurance National Championship in which 206km is ridden over a 3 day period. The question you might have is why did I enjoy using the Solo PVC Endurance Bridle? Well here is my answer:
The bridle’s ability to convert to a halter made coming in after a leg and unsaddling and going to the vet a much quicker process. I never needed a halter in the 3 day ride making it much less stressful as everything I needed was already on my horse. The next reason is the fact that it cleans so easily. The area we ride in is very dry and therefore there was a lot of dust, but luckily I could just rinse my bridle in water and it would be squeaky clean. Another reason I love the bridle is the reins. My horse was quite hot and excited but never did my hands get sore from his pulling, and I don’t wear gloves.
So in short:
The Solo PVC Endurance Bridle is perfect if your competing in endurance or even just if you need a halter between riding. It is a very easy maintenance bridle and easy to fit on a horse. Best of all is that the reins have a lot of grip, but don’t hurt your hands.
If I can give a bit of critique is that the bit attachments are a bit long and I had to add extra holes to make it fit. I would prefer is they were shorter so that I could make the halter part longer so that the whole bridle fits a bit better.
P.S This product pairs perfectly with the Solo Everstretch Numnah.
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