Solo Lunge Snake Review - Marizanne Zimbler

Received my solo saddlers lungeing snake on 28 Nov. Unfortunately I couldn't immediately use it as I had lessons but I found a gap between lessons and used it first on A Time To Kill aka Timmy.
Timmy is a client's horse that I ride and exercise for them. He competes at 70/80cm at shows and up to 90cm at home.
My first thought while attaching the lungeing snake was how easy it was. I didn't need anything else except for his bridle. No lunge roller or numnah needed to attach it to.
I was very doubtful about the way it's adjustable. It honestly looked like they might slip but I was pleasantly surprised that it not once moved. Not even after I made it shorter. It adjusts really easily as well.
I had Timmy walk for a bit first to get him used to the new lungeing aid. I really liked the way it moved with him and mimicked the movement a rider's hands would make to ask the horse to move in a frame.
It is not restrictive in any way and it is much easier for the horse to turn around and change reins than with other lungeing aids.
It doesn't force them into a frame like with other lungeing aids. It guides them where the head should be and as soon as they are long and low you can see that the bit of pressure it creates gives away as a reward.
He was a little bit hesitant at first but he relaxed more into it as we went on. He did not yet go long and low and resisted it quite a bit through the lesson.
What I did notice and do not like about the lungeing snake is the white ropes. They were already quite dirty after just one use from dust. A darker color would be more suited (Solo Insert : Dark option available)
On 29 November I used it on Oakley Court. She has been off the track now for about 6 months and was recently bought by a client who has asked me to train and ride her for them. It was the first time lungeing her so I was quite curious to see how she would respond to it.
She took to almost instantly. She immediately put her head down and forward and started working through her back. It was amazing to see how different the two horses responded to it and that the less experienced horse did it better than the more experienced one. Oakley really did well with the lungeing snake and I was really impressed to see the difference in her movement.
As the days passed I kept using the lungeing snake as often as I could on the two horses to make it a part of training and to weigh how different they both handled it.
After about a week Timmy was still very resistant and just didn't want to cooperate. After a few more days I got him to start to stretch a little bit.
Oakley did really well from the beginning and almost instantly started working long and low and through her back.
The lungeing snake now forms a good part of their exercise and lungeing routine. After just two weeks I could already start to see a difference in the way they both moved and carry themselves. There was definitely also a difference in their muscle development and they definitely put on some muscle over their backs.
It is a great lungeing aid even for a beginner or less knowledgeable person as even if you make it as tight as it can go there is little risk of overtightening it like with other lungeing aids and for them to possibly pull a muscle.
This is something I will encourage all my riders to use as it is not complicated and so easy to use.
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