Saddles For Military, Horseback Safaris, Mounted Security And Trail Riding

For years Solo Saddlers has been making saddles and tack for military and security use in many African countries.
We have learned what is most suitable for our African climate, terrain and horses. It is most important to supply equipment that is comfortable for both horse and rider, and is strong, practical and reliable.
Because of its excellent design and reliability, a lot of this tack has been adapted for horseback safaris, game viewing and trail riding.
Not only have we supplied tack for use in the field, but we have also supplied ceremonial tack for government parades.
Horses are being used more and more for patrolling and policing. For crowd control and security, the horse presents a large and scary opponent.
Horses can go cross country, not needing to follow roads. They travel a lot faster and further than a person on foot. They don’t need petrol, there is no engine noise or exhaust smell, so can approach silently and discretely.
As the horse is an animal, it will not disturb or scare wild life and is able to get close to other animals.
The rider sits high and can look over walls and hedges, having a 360 deg elevated view of the terrain.
Solo Saddlers makes a wide selection of suitable saddles and tack.