Girths Size Chart

Girths Size Chart

How to measure your girth:

Girths are measured from the end of the buckle to the end of the buckle (the full length) and vary in size by 2 inches (5cm)

If you don't have a tape measure on hand you can use a piece of string to get the needed length and measure the string afterwards.

If you don't have an old girth to measure, then you can measure for a new girth by placing your numnah and saddle on your horse, and measuring from halfway up the girth point, around the tummy, to halfway up the next girth point.
You ideally want to have 2 holes adjustment up, and 1 extra hole for adjusting down on the girth points.

As a very basic rule of thumb:
14-15 hands = 42 - 44"
15-16 hands = 46 - 48" GP girth and 26" dressage girth
16-17 hands = 48 - 54"

Inches CM
14" 35cm
16" 40cm
18" 45cm
20" 50cm
22" 55cm
24" 60cm
26" 65cm
28" 70cm
30" 75cm
32" 80cm
34" 85cm
36" 90cm
38" 95cm
40" 100cm
42" 105cm
44" 110cm
46" 115cm
48" 120cm
50" 125cm
52" 130cm
54" 135cm
56" 140cm


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